Advisory Solutions
Sterling Capital's Advisory Solutions Team provides customized multi-asset class models for financial professionals and institutional clients.
- Fully-customizable portfolio construction and maintenance
- Dedicated team, ongoing fiduciary oversight, immediate and simplified execution
- Proprietary, low tracking error institutional asset allocation modeling
- Rigorous manager screening and ongoing monitoring
- Access to top investment managers: SMA, mutual fund, ETF, hedge funds, etc.
- Significant scalability
- Investment policy consultation and compliance
- Comprehensive reporting and analytics
- Environment, social and governance (ESG) capabilities
- Culture of risk management
- Marketing and sales support
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the MSCI ACWI IMI Index
- Constructs a global portfolio of investment managers
- Utilizes Sterling Capital Management’s asset allocation framework
Asset Allocation
- One-year asset class return expectations determined primarily by forecast models built through in-depth historical analysis
- Asset class weights determined through consideration of asset class return expectations and multiple measures of asset class and portfolio risk
Manager Selection
- Initial Screening Requirements
- Manager Search & Selection Process
- Ongoing Monitoring
Portfolio Construction
- Investment strategies are combined to produce a favorable risk and return profile
- All portfolios are rebalanced systematically to ensure the allocations remain true to the target asset allocation strategy
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the 60% MSCI ACWI IMI/40% Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Blended Benchmark
- Constructs a global portfolio of investment managers
- Utilizes Sterling Capital Management’s asset allocation framework
Asset Allocation
- One-year asset class return expectations determined primarily by forecast models built through in-depth historical analysis
- Asset class weights determined through consideration of asset class return expectations and multiple measures of asset class and portfolio risk
Manager Selection
- Initial Screening Requirements
- Manager Search & Selection Process
- Ongoing Monitoring
Portfolio Construction
- Investment strategies are combined to produce a favorable risk and return profile
- All portfolios are rebalanced systematically to ensure the allocations remain true to the target asset allocation strategy
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Index by implementing a top-down, relative value process with top money managers
- Analysts create a portfolio that is optimally-positioned to take advantage of short term market dislocations and long term relative values
- Portfolio strives to generate consistent risk-adjusted returns while providing liquidity and capital preservation
Macroeconomic Analysis
- Domestic and global economic conditions
- Monetary policy
- Fiscal policy
Market Outlook
- Inflation expectations
- Interest rates
- Yield curve shape
- Volatility
Portfolio Structure
- Duration positioning
- Yield curve segmentation
- Sector allocation
Manager Selection
- Initial screening requirements
- Manager search and selection process
- Ongoing monitoring
Investment Strategy
- Seeks income and capital appreciation by investing in a broad range of income-generating asset classes and strategies while maintaining a moderate long-term risk and return profile
- We employ the manager selection and asset allocation expertise of the Sterling Capital Advisory Solutions Team when constructing the portfolio. We also leverage the portfolio management capabilities and asset class-specific insights of Sterling's equity and fixed income portfolio management teams.
- The opportunity set currently includes, but is not limited to high yield corporates, IG corporates, MBS, EM debt, leveraged loans, preferred securities, Treasuries, high yield municipals, REITs, MLPs, insurance-linked securities, covered call writing strategies and dividend-focused equity.
- The portfolio combines active and passive management to achieve its objectives.
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the 75% MSCI ACWI IMI/25% Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Blended Benchmark
- Constructs a global portfolio of investment managers
- Utilizes Sterling Capital Management’s asset allocation framework
Asset Allocation
- One-year asset class return expectations determined primarily by forecast models built through in-depth historical analysis
- Asset class weights determined through consideration of asset class return expectations and multiple measures of asset class and portfolio risk
Manager Selection
- Initial Screening Requirements
- Manager Search & Selection Process
- Ongoing Monitoring
Portfolio Construction
- Investment strategies are combined to produce a favorable risk and return profile
- All portfolios are rebalanced systematically to ensure the allocations remain true to the target asset allocation strategy
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the 25% MSCI ACWI IMI/75% Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Blended Benchmark
- Constructs a global portfolio of investment managers
- Utilizes Sterling Capital Management’s asset allocation framework
Asset Allocation
- One-year asset class return expectations determined primarily by forecast models built through in-depth historical analysis
- Asset class weights determined through consideration of asset class return expectations and multiple measures of asset class and portfolio risk
Manager Selection
- Initial Screening Requirements
- Manager Search & Selection Process
- Ongoing Monitoring
Portfolio Construction
- Investment strategies are combined to produce a favorable risk and return profile
- All portfolios are rebalanced systematically to ensure the allocations remain true to the target asset allocation strategy
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the 50% MSCI ACWI IMI/50% Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Blended Benchmark
- Constructs a global portfolio of investment managers
- Utilizes Sterling Capital Management’s asset allocation framework
Asset Allocation
- One-year asset class return expectations determined primarily by forecast models built through in-depth historical analysis
- Asset class weights determined through consideration of asset class return expectations and multiple measures of asset class and portfolio risk
Manager Selection
- Initial Screening Requirements
- Manager Search & Selection Process
- Ongoing Monitoring
Portfolio Construction
- Investment strategies are combined to produce a favorable risk and return profile
- All portfolios are rebalanced systematically to ensure the allocations remain true to the target asset allocation strategy
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the 40% MSCI ACWI IMI/60% Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Blended Benchmark
- Constructs a global portfolio of investment managers
- Utilizes Sterling Capital Management’s asset allocation framework
Asset Allocation
- One-year asset class return expectations determined primarily by forecast models built through in-depth historical analysis
- Asset class weights determined through consideration of asset class return expectations and multiple measures of asset class and portfolio risk
Manager Selection
- Initial Screening Requirements
- Manager Search & Selection Process
- Ongoing Monitoring
Portfolio Construction
- Investment strategies are combined to produce a favorable risk and return profile
- All portfolios are rebalanced systematically to ensure the allocations remain true to the target asset allocation strategy
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the Bloomberg U.S. Government/Credit Bond Index by implementing a top-down, relative value process with top money managers
- Analysts create a portfolio that is optimally-positioned to take advantage of short term market dislocations and long term relative values
- Portfolio strives to generate consistent risk-adjusted returns while providing liquidity and capital preservation
Macroeconomic Analysis
- Domestic and global economic conditions
- Monetary policy
- Fiscal policy
Market Outlook
- Inflation expectations
- Interest rates
- Yield curve shape
- Volatility
Portfolio Structure
- Duration positioning
- Yield curve segmentation
- Sector allocation
Manager Selection
- Initial screening requirements
- Manager search and selection process
- Ongoing monitoring
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the Bloomberg 1-3 Year U.S. Government/Credit Index by implementing a top-down, relative value process with top money managers
- Analysts create a portfolio that is optimally-positioned to take advantage of short term market dislocations and long term relative values
- Portfolio strives to generate consistent risk-adjusted returns while providing liquidity and capital preservation
Macroeconomic Analysis
- Domestic and global economic conditions
- Monetary policy
- Fiscal policy
Market Outlook
- Inflation expectations
- Interest rates
- Yield curve shape
- Volatility
Portfolio Structure
- Duration positioning
- Yield curve segmentation
- Sector allocation
Manager Selection
- Initial screening requirements
- Manager search and selection process
- Ongoing monitoring
Investment Strategy
- Seeks to generate excess return versus the BofA ML Municipals 2-17 Year Index by implementing a top-down, relative value process with top money managers
- Analysts create a portfolio that is optimally-positioned to take advantage of short term market dislocations and long term relative values
- Portfolio strives to generate consistent risk-adjusted returns while providing liquidity and capital preservation
Macroeconomic Analysis
- Domestic and global economic conditions
- Monetary policy
- Fiscal policy
Market Outlook
- Inflation expectations
- Interest rates
- Yield curve shape
- Volatility
Portfolio Structure
- Duration positioning
- Yield curve segmentation
- Sector allocation
Manager Selection
- Initial screening requirements
- Manager search and selection process
- Ongoing monitoring
Employ a comprehensive and rigorous manager search and selection methodology that is rational, well-defined, disciplined and consistently applied.
Identify investment managers that we believe are positioned to consistently generate risk-adjusted outperformance for our clients throughout multiple market cycles.
Avoid behavioral biases and pitfalls that can lead to sub-optimal results.
Make the distinction between skill and luck.

Managing Director

Managing Director

Managing Director

Executive Director

Executive Director

Executive Director

Associate Director

Associate Director
Sterling Capital
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Sterling Capital's Assets Under Advisement ("AUA") differs from our regulatory Assets Under Management ("AUM") for which we provide continuous and regular investment management services as disclosed in our ADV. AUA generally refers to non-discretionary assets for which Sterling Capital provides advice or consultation for which Sterling Capital does not have authority to effectuate transactions. Such services include Model portfolios and assets Sterling Capital advises as an outsourced Chief Investment Officer on a non-discretionary basis.
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